I’ll never forget my first day as a real estate agent. It was 2005 and I chose to go with a boutique firm with whom I had a personal relationship with. They were genius at making money and putting deals together. They had experience and every one of them in the office was doing loans and real estate at the same time. (You could do that back then, even on the same transaction) I was brand new and full of energy but I had no idea what to do next. I went in on my first morning and asked my broker, “Where do I start?!” And the response I got I will never forget, he looked at me like he had never thought about it before and he just said, “Start calling people!” So I did, with no idea who to even call or what to say, and I got rejected… A LOT!
Six months later I’d closed a few deals but I was pretty much ready to give up on real estate. I hated not knowing what to do. I had no road map so I was just driving as fast as I could to nowhere. I remember sitting in my office, out of money, maxed out on credit cards, wondering if I should just sell meat full time again. Miraculously I opened up my drawer and found a flier to a Mike Ferry Coaching seminar that was in Salt Lake starting the next day. I called and told them I was in and gave them my credit card number, praying I still had enough on it to cover the $399 cost. I did. Fast forward to day 3 of the seminar and I am sitting in my chair after 20 plus hours of being blown away by the information I had just received. I learned scripts, I learned who to call and how to call them. I learned how to close a For Sale By Owner and how to give a listing presentation to a complete stranger. I was on fire for the first time in real estate. I wanted more, a lot more, but then the terrible news came… To sign up for his coaching program was $1000 per month and a 12-month contract. There was no way I could possibly pay for that. Yet I knew I had to. I approached the speaker on a break and explained that I had no money but that I had a closing in about 3 weeks and could pay the first month at that time. I had to literally write on the contract that they couldn’t run my card without calling me first to make sure my deal had closed. Yet they let me sign up.
Six months later I had closed over 60 transactions and my life would never be the same. I was working harder than ever and I was closing deals all over the place. Some of my first clients that trusted me like Mike Garrett and my brother Dale, I will never forget. I had no business representing anyone at that time, yet it turned out ok for all of them! That is reason number one that I had to make a course, I know the value of getting trained properly in this business.
A funny thing happened about 2 years later that is the second reason I knew I had to put together a real estate course. I had just closed 98 deals the year before and I had earned over $400,000 that year. Yet I was living paycheck to paycheck and I had no idea where all of the money had gone! I was broke and making more money than I ever thought possible. The problem was no longer earning the money but trying to keep it. I was so anxious to be the top real estate agent in the state that I was throwing money at EVERYTHING to try and expedite the process. I threw so much bad money at marketing techniques. I was buying leads, paying for ads all over town, and I even bought into a system called Radio House or something like that. You basically would program this thing and put it in the house and when anyone drove by he or she could turn his or her radio to that station and hear info on the house. Like I said, I wasted a lot of money.
Because Mike Ferry had turned out so well for me I also hired another real estate coach and a marketing coach to help me further my systems and my business. From all of this I picked up some great techniques but I went broke in the process. I was flying all over the country meeting with top agents and learning their systems, I was paying money to anyone that I thought could help me learn to be a great agent. And again, I was going broke!
Now here I am in 2018 and I can look back at 14 years of being a real estate agent, almost 2000 houses sold, over 20,000 hours in this industry and I have learned so much of what to do and what not to do. In 2008 I began coaching baseball at Bingham High School, it was the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Just last year I decided to teach a class at UVU in the business school because again I love teaching! At my core, I enjoy doing that above anything else that I do. What I realized though is I’m not an expert at baseball and I don’t have time to teach 100’s of kids in college one class of 25 at a time. What I do have is the knowledge from real estate that anyone in the world could take and implement into a real estate business and they would immediately be able to have an amazing career in the industry. This is why I created “The 100K Agent Blueprint”.
Although this information would be worth any price tag, the one thing I didn’t want to happen was for people to have to face that same situation that I did where they have to make a $12,000 commitment when really they probably don’t have the money to be doing it. That’s why I created a course that anyone can afford. This course contains all my secrets, everything I learned to do and everything I learned not to do in order to be successful in the business. I’m super proud of the course because I KNOW what it will do for anyone that buys it. It turned out better than I could have ever hoped and so if you see me sharing it or bragging about the success of the clients that buy it, deal with it! I just saved them 100’s of 1000’s of dollars that I had to spend to learn these same things!

A wise man once told me that the most expensive advice you will ever receive is usually free. I believe this. I also believe that the best investment you can make is in yourself. I hope if you are reading this and want to learn more that you will go download my free E-book or watch my free webinar and see for yourself if this course is something you want to invest in as well! Free Webinar Link - https://www.100kagentwebinar.com/Free
E-book Link - https://www.100kagentcoaching.com
100K Agent Blueprint Link - https://www.100kagentblueprint.com